Okay ... I posted a short version of this story on my Facebook page, and had requests to show the photo ...
Here's what happened ... a couple of days ago, I got home from running errands about 1pm. After backing my car into my parking stall, I saw this kolea (golden plover) pecking at the bumper of this car that parks on the opposite side of a median strip in our parking area. At first, I wondered why the bird was pecking the bumper ... it was pecking at its reflection!
Well, of course, I had to get a shot of this. I've tried to get a decent shot of a kolea for a while, but they are rather skiddish. Not this day, it so focused on attacking its reflection, it did not care that I was creeping closer. I got about six feet from the kolea, before I got the shot I wanted (above).
To top things off, ten minutes later, I looked from our lanai, and the bird was still at it! When Kat & I had gone out three hours later, it was still at the same spot of the bumper! Kat got a chuckle out of it. It led me to think, how long was this bird really at this? When we came home an hour later, it was eating bugs in the grass.